DYEVDynamics of energy vulnerability

The Junior Chair analyses the dynamics of energy vulnerability, i.e. how households struggle to achieve basic transportation and domestic needs, and sets them in the context of energy transition policies.
The research program adopts a spatial approach of the problem, taking as a case study an “energy transect” drawn across the urban, suburban and rural landscapes of Southwestern France from Pau to Bordeaux.
The methodology combines evaluation of policies and local collective mobilizations on energy rights with a study of everyday consumption practices, the latter mobilizing both a spatial analysis and qualitative household surveys.
On one side, our research enables a better understanding of the social impacts of energy transition strategies on vulnerable households.
On the other side, by mobilizing the inputs of a steering committee including administration stakeholders, it aims at evaluating the social-oriented energy transition potential across French municipalities.
Lise Desvallées is a geographer specialized on the social dimensions of energy transition.
His PhD is an Urban political ecology approach of energy vulnerability focusing on its emergence, experience and politicization.
His Post-doc addresses the social acceptability of low-carbon innovations from an Oil&Gas major.