Prog Europ. RISE Contested Territories


Responsable du projet pour Tree

Julien Rebotier


Chargée d'appui aux projets de recherche

Laurie Cazale-Debat

Tél : 05 59 40 72 79

RISE Contested TerritoriesProgramme Européen Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange. Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 Contested Territory


  • Responsable du projet : Michael JANOSCHKA (Universitaet Leipzig - ULEI)
  • Responsable pour TREE : Julien REBOTIER

  • Chercheurs en Europe et  Amérique latine des institutions suivantes : University of Leeds (UK),  University of Sheffield (UK), Universidad autonoma de Madrid (Espagne), Politecnico di Milano (Italie), FREIE Universität Berlin (Allemagne), CNRS (France), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (France), Torero Film - Rouven Rech & Teresa Renn - GbR (Allemagne), Basurama (Espagne), Habita65 - Associação pelo Direito à Habitação e à cidade (Portugal), La Hidra Cooperativa, SCCL (Espagne), Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentine), Universidad de Chile (Chili), Universidad de la Frontera (Chili), Flacso Ecuador (Equateur), Universidad mayor de San Andres (Bolivie), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombie), Consejo natcional de Investigaciones cientificas y tecnicas (CONICET) (Argentine), Asociacion civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (Argentine)

Projet :

The overall objective of CONTESTED_TERRITORY is to form an international and intersectoral network of organisations from across Europe and Latin America on a joint research programme that pursues conceptual and empirical knowledge generation and circulation on innovative and sustainable bottom-up models of territorial development. We consider community-led practice enacting alternative knowledge as a basis for a productive framework to grasp transformations of space and society supporting local-to-global knowledge diffusion.

In particular, the RISE action delivers novel understandings on how ordinary people produce innovative models for more sustainable and resilient environments. By this, we want to learn how they shape, negotiate, imagine and collaboratively manage territories in contested and uneven power relations and how they progress unconventional models of social integration.

The participants of the network exchange on and generate new knowledge to surpass mainstream understandings of development and contribute to scientific breakthroughs by integrating bottom-up strategies to adapt to risk, vulnerability and exclusion. Our progress engage with and contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda from alternative conceptual and practical perspectives. At the same time, we nurture novel approaches to redefine the relations between humanity and the environment by including discourses emerging out of Latin American popular culture and indigenous cosmovision. This provides opportunities for academic and non-academic participants to actively shape practice and policies targeting more inclusive territorial development and different models of social cohesion; generating significant benefits for societies in Latin America, with transferable outcomes to Europe. Staff members participating in this action hope to develop new skills ; they are exposed to inspiring research environments, significantly widening their career perspectives in and beyond academia.

Commanditaire :


Partenaires :

Tous les partenaires sont référencés sur le site internet du programme : Contested Territories

 Durée :

70 mois