Yao Thibaut KPEGLI

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Xavier Arnauld de Sartre

Tél : 05 59 40 72 62


Christine Bouisset

Tél : 05 59 40 72 74

Responsable administrative et financière

Anne Perrin

Tél : 05 59 40 80 63





Yao Thibaut KpegliPhD in Economics

  • UPPA - Campus universitaire Collège SSH - UMR 6031 TREE Bâtiment Droit Economie Gestion Avenue du Doyen Poplawski 64000 PAU
  • Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Economics of Risk, Uncertainty and Beliefs, Applied Econometrics, Health Economics, Development economics
  • yao-thibaut.kpegli @ univ-pau.fr


Professional experience


Distinctions, awards, and grants

  • 2019-2022 Ministry of Higher Education’s full Research Grant to finance the best PhD projects in
    Economics in Lyon and Saint-Etienne
  • 2020-2021 GATE-Lab funding program to finance the two best experimental designs of PhD
  • 2018-2019 IDEXLYON Scholarship to reward the best international students who wish to enter
    the social science masters programs of universities of Lyon and Saint-Etienne (France)
  • 2012-2016 Scholarship from municipalities of Grand-Popo (Benin) & Saint-Louis (Senegal) to
    reward the fact that I had the


IT skills and Languages

  • Statistics Stata, R, Python, SAS, Matlab, Power BI, SQL, GitHub
  • Writing Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Latex
  • Languages English (Excellent), French (Excellent)

Thèmes de recherche

  • Behavioral and Experimental Economics
  • Economics of Risk, Uncertainty, and Beliefs
  • Applied Econometrics
  • Health Economics
  • Development economics



KPEGLI.Y.T., Corgnet B., Zylbersztejn A.(2023). All at Once! A Comprehensive and Tractable Semi-parametric Method to Elicit Prospect Theory Components. Journal of Mathematical Economics

MANE. P. Y. B., DIAGNE. A.,KPEGLI.Y.T.(2019). Modeling the Macroeconomic Effects of Noncommunicable Diseases: Extension and Application to Senegal. Economics Bulletin. Vol. 39 No. 4 pp. 2904-2912.

NDIAYE. A. A., KONTE. M. A., KPEGLI. Y. T.(2017). The Solow model augmented with the net capital inflows to-GDP-ratio.Economics Bulletin. Vol 37. No 3 pp. 2020-2029.

Working papers

Against the Odds! The Tradeoff Between Risk and Incentives is Alive and Well! (with Corgnet B., Hern´an-Gonz´alez R. & Zylbersztejn A.).

Non-parametric Random ProbabilityWeighting Method for Measuring Prospect Theory.

Measuring Beliefs and Ambiguity Attitudes for Discrete Sources of Uncertainty (with Erazo D. M. A.).


Impact of out-of-pocket health payments on poverty and alignment of public and external health financing with this impact in Guinea (with Porgo T. V. and Kouanda Z. K., World Bank Working paper).

Works in progress

○ Market asset pricing in the presence of positively skewed assets and probability weighting. (with Brice Corgnet and Jacopo Magnani)

Policy notes and Blogs

Harnessing the power of the private sector for universal health coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa. Blog
of The World Bank

MANE. P. Y. A., DIAGNE. A.,KPEGLI.Y.T.(2018). Effectiveness of tobacco product taxation systems in ECOWAS member countries: tax incidence approach. CRES Policy Note

MANE. P. Y. A., DIAGNE. A.,KPEGLI.Y.T.(2018). Effectiveness of tobacco product taxation
systems in ECOWAS member countries: tax frontier approach. CRES Policy Note

MANE. P. Y. A., DIAGNE. A.,KPEGLI.Y.T.(2018). Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products in ECOWAS
Countries. CRES Policy Note

Conferences and Workshops

Nov. 15, 2023 ESA Job Market Seminar, hold online

June 2023 ESA World Meetings in Lyon, University Lyon 2, France

May 26, 2023 World Bank Group Africa Fellowship BBL Series, Online, Washington

Sept. 2022 European ESA conference, Bologna, Italy

July 2022 Risk, Uncertainty and Decision (RUD) conference, Paris School of Economics (PSE), Paris, France

June 2022 ESA World Meetings in Boston, MIT Sloan, USA

Aug. 2021 Subjective Probability Utility and Decision making (SPDUM) conference, University of Warwick, hold online

July 2021 Invitation for presenting, Univ. Perpignan, lab. CEDED, France

April 2021 PhD student workshop, Doctoral School of Economics and Management of Lyon, hold online, France

Feb. 2020 GATE internal seminar

Supervision of master thesis

2023 Master 2 in Economics, Universit´e de Thies, Senegal
○ Student: Z´ef´erino Agbahoungba
○ Title: Impact of climate change on the poverty of rural women: An application in Benin

2021 Master 1 in Economics, Universit´e Lumi`ere Lyon 2, France
○ Student: Abou Bakar Kader Dolle
○ Title: Commodity price variations and economic and social instabilities Referee

2017-2023 Journal of Economic Theory, Economics Bulletin, Review of Development Economics

November 13, 2024