

Xavier Arnauld de Sartre

Tél : 33 (0)5 59 40 72 62


Anne Perrin

Tél : 33 (0)5 59 40 80 63


Freddy Yandún Patiño has a Master's Degree in Water: Interdisciplinary Analysis and Sustainable Management from the UB-Barcelona (Spain), a Master's Degree in Smart Infrastructures: Smart Cities from the UII-Burgos (Spain) and a Specialty in Disaster Prevention and Response from the UASB – Quito (Ecuador); he is also a competent technician in the construction of self-protection plans from the UAB-Barcelona (Spain) and has a Diploma in Tsunamis of the coast of South America: scientific bases, threat and vulnerability from the PUCV-Valparaiso (Chile). Currently a PhD student in technological management at EPN-Quito (Ecuador). Beneficiary of a scholarship for a high-level scientific stay (BSSHN) from the Embassy of France in Ecuador to stay for a month 20 days at the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Ardour, in the UMR TREE laboratory, in Bayonne. He will collaborate with Julien Rebotier on research on disaster  risk management in Ecuador.