Alice MouleneIngénieure d'étude
- Director of Operations and Partnerships Energy Justice & the Social Contract Chair
- Director of Operations E2S UPPA MOVE Chair
- Director of Operations Energy Humanities Network
UPPA - Collège SSH - Bâtiment Droit, Economie, Gestion - Avenue du Doyen Poplawski - 64000 PAUalice.moulene @ univ-pau.fr
After completing two master's degrees in biology and biotechnology and law, I specialised in intellectual property and business law.
I now use my ability to grasp various scientific subjects and my organisational skills to support the operational deployment of major legal projects open to other disciplines.
- 2015 - 2020: Intellectual Property and R&D Contracts legal expert, Research and Valorization Department, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
- 2015 (restart of studies): Master in Business Law, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
- 2007-2014: technology transfer and intellectual property manager, Research and Development Department, University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour
- 2013: University diploma “Innovation and Intellectual Property Strategy”, IEEPI (Institut Européen Entreprise et Propriété Intellectuelle), Strasbourg
- 2007, Master in Biotechnology Law, University of Tours
- 2002, Master in Biology - Animal Physiology, University of Tours
- Team Coordination
- Project Supervision & Management
- Partnership
- Contract Negotiation
- Intellectual Property
- Contract Law
- Director of Operations and Partnerships Energy Justice & the Social Contract Chair
- Director of Operations E2S UPPA MOVE chair (MObility evolution towards sustainable deVelopmEnt)
- Project Engineering Hub E2S UPPA EnSuITe (for Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Director of Operations Energy Humanities Network
- Project Engineering E2S UPPA Hub RAISE (for Social Sciences and Humanities)
- FARM Project engineering