

Alexandre VOLLE


Les membres de TREE peuvent aussi participer aux séminaires :

EKLORE LAB, qui se tiennent les jeudis, de 15h à 17h, en salle du Conseil au premier étage à Eklore-ed Business School.

Contact : Jacques Jaussaud

[E] Does working from Home Pollute? The environmental effects of WFH

Emmanuelle LAVAINE, MC en économie à l'Université de Montpellier - le 20 mars 2025 à 13h - Visioconférence TEAMS accessible en salle des thèses à Pau et en salle 110 à Bayonne.

Work-from-home (WFH) arrangements experienced an unprecedented boom since the Covid-19 crisis, raising questions about their environmental impact. This study investigates the causal effect of WFH on PM2.5 concentrations, the most harmful air pollutant globally, using high-resolution pollution data and employment records from France. We find that WFH increases PM2.5 levels, especially in areas with many home-based workers. Residential emissions surpass reductions in transport pollution, leading to a net rise in air pollution. These findings highlight the need for policies to address the environmental challenges of WFH, particularly through energy efficiency and cleaner heating technologies.