

Alexandre VOLLE (alexandre.volle @ univ-pau.fr)

Séminaires EKLORE LAB

Les membres de TREE peuvent aussi participer aux séminaires :

EKLORE LAB, qui se tiennent les jeudis, de 15h à 17h, en salle du Conseil au premier étage à Eklore-ed Business School.

Contact : Jacques Jaussaud (jacques.jaussaud @ univ-pau.fr)

Séminaires d'économie 2021/2022
Séminaires d'économie 2022/2023

[E] The Effect of Energy Efficiency Obligations on Residential Energy Use: Empirical Evidence from France


Matthieu GLACHANT, enseignant chercheur à Mines Paris - PSL

Séminaire le 14 novembre 2024 à 13h à Pau, en Salle des thèses (bâtiment DEG) ; en visioconférence à Bayonne, en salle 110 ; via Teams.

Energy Efficiency Obligations are widespread policy instruments to reduce energy use. They require energy suppliers to deliver a set amount of energy savings. The obligated parties then comply by offering subsidies for energy-efficient investments to energy users. We use a new dataset covering over 3.1 million energy retrofit projects from 2018 to 2020 to assess the impact of the French program on residential electricity and gas use. We find that the official reporting on the program’s outcome significantly overstates the energy savings by at least 62%. We then exploit the fact that obligations are tradable to recover the implied marginal abatement cost of carbon. Importantly, this cost exceeds EUR 160 per ton of CO2 equivalent.
Matthieu Glachant, Guillaume Wald