

Alexandre VOLLE


Les membres de TREE peuvent aussi participer aux séminaires :

EKLORE LAB, qui se tiennent les jeudis, de 15h à 17h, en salle du Conseil au premier étage à Eklore-ed Business School.

Contact : Jacques Jaussaud

[E] Vertical Control in the Circular Economy


Olivier BONROY, Université Grenoble Alpes, INRAE, UMR GAEL - le 20 février 2024 à 13h - Salle Chadefaud, bâtiment ICL à Pau, et via TEAMS.



We show that the possibility to recycle a product produces a loss of vertical control in a production channel where one upstream monopolist sells an input to two downstream firms, which transform it into two differentiated products. We set up and solve a two-period game. In each period the upstream firm makes secret TIOLI offers to the downstream firms. One downstream firm can recycle a part of its output and sell it in the second period. If the recycled product is homogeneous to the product of the other firm then recycling creates a cross-product, intertemporal externality that cannot be internal- ized. This entails that the whole surplus of the supply channel is reduced by recycling.